The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1, 2, 3,4(1+2), 7(1+2), 9, 10
- Publisher : Harley
- Illustrations : numerous col plates, text figs, maps
All published volumes up to 2002 in this standard set on British & Irish Lepidoptera: 1: Micropterigidae - Heliozelidae; 2: Cossidae - Heliodinidae; 3: Yponomeutidae - Elachistidae; 4: Oecophoridae - Scythrididae & Gelechiidae; 7: Butterflies & Lasiocampidae - Thyatiridae; 9: Sphingidae - Noctuidae; 10: Noctuidae - Agaristidae.
Vol. 5 has now also been published (2014) in 2 parts. It is not present here, but can be supplied separately.
Fine in d/w's. Some vols with owner's book plate to endpapers.