The Larger Moths of Scotland
- Publisher : Triphosa Publications
- Illustrations : 809 photos, 548 maps, 554 phenology charts
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This book covers the larger species traditionally known as macromoths. All those with at least one acceptable Scottish record in the wild are included, currently totalling 577 species. Unproven claims and adventives are listed. Comprehensive references are given. Wherever possible, images show actual Scottish examples. Some historic specimens are illustrated for the first time. Resident species and regular migrants receive a full account including a distribution map and a flight histogram, based on records in Butterfly Conservation’s National Moth Recording Scheme. Abundance trends are shown. As far as possible these data are complete to the end of 2022 and include significant records from 2023. The maps show distribution increases for these seven years since the UK Atlas. The effects of climate change have been particularly apparent in Scotland, resulting in dramatic range extensions and species gains, counterbalanced by declines. The wider European and even global significance of various Scottish species is discussed.
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