The Geology of the Manganese Deposits of Western Australia
- Series : Geological Survey Western Australia Bulletin
Volume: 116 - Publisher : Geological Survey of Western Australia
- Illustrations : 23 figs, 21 tables, 15 large folding plates
Geological Survey of Western Australia Bulletin 116. Includes scarce separate atlas of maps. The Prefatory Note states ‘It was not until the World War II that keen interest was shown in the manganese deposits of Western Australia. Due to the scarcity of such deposits in Australia, the Commonwealth Government placed the overseas export of manganese on a quota system….As this is the first Bulletin produced by the Geological Survey on manganese in Western Australia it should prove of assistance to mining companies and prospectors’.
2 vols. Buckram. From an Institutional library: stamps to titles pages and verso of maps. Good.
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