Studies in Branchiopoda (5 papers)
- Collection : Prof Jim Green
A bound collection of 5 papers/offprints with collective printed 'Titlepage' and Contents List: The feeding mechanism of Chirocephalus diaphanus Prevost, the Fairy Shrimp (Lowndes, 1933, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1933: 1093-1117); Studien uber die Fangapparate der Brachiopoden (Eriksson, 1934, Zoologiska Bidrag fran Uppsala 15: 24-287); Contributions to the morphology and the taxonomy of the Branchiopoda Anostraca (Linder, 1941, Zoologiska bidrag fran Uppsala 20: 101-302); A review of the Notostraca (Longhurst, 1955, Bull. BM(NH) Zoology 3: 1-57); Abnormal variation in the Notostraca (Longhurst, 1958, Systematic Zoology 7: 84-88).
8vo, 5 papers nicely bound in recent brown buckram, leather titlepiece to spine. Fine copy.
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