Récords y curiosidades de los dinosaurios: Saurópodos y otros sauropodomorfos
- Publisher : Lynx Edicions
- Illustrations : col illus
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The first comprehensive book of records on sauropod dinosaurs and their close relatives.
Rigorously and extensively researched.
It includes more than 2000 records, each one with its respective bibliography.
It presents c. 600 valid species that are currently known, plus c. 300 potential ones.
It contains more than 300 full-colour reconstructions of specimens, accompanied by over 1500 diagrams and technical drawings.
It consists of 8 main chapters: Taxonomy (evolutionary classification), Chronology (species occurring at different times), Geography (presence in the paleocontinents), Anatomy (including bones, osteoderms and integument), Biology (feeding, locomotion, reproduction, senses, diseases), Ichnology (footprints and other traces), History and Culture (important and sometimes poorly documented facts), and List of sauropods, tables that for the first time include all known species with their respective sizes and silhouettes, estimated systematically and rigorously. It includes a special section on the fossil plants of the Mesozoic era, an unprecedented and detailed compilation describing the organisms on which the sauropods fed. Carefully reviewed by paleontologist Ángel Alejandro Ramírez Velasco. Beautifully illustrated by Andrey Atuchin and Sante Mazzei. It includes quality graphic contributions by Jorge A. Ortiz-Mendieta, Josefa Valdivia and Heraldo Mussolini.
The sauropods form one of the three great groups of dinosaurs that inhabited the planet for millions of years, and they represent the largest land animals that have ever walked the face of the earth. Some of them approached today’s largest whales in weight, and a few were nearly four times as tall as today’s giraffes. This set of dinosaurs, the sauropodomorphs, were true record-breakers, even among the most primitive groups.
This book is a unique compendium of facts and figures on all known sauropod species and their close relatives, from the largest - like the famous Brachiosaurus that weighed as much as four buses - to the smallest - like Pampadromaeus whose size was comparable to that of a hen - including many other records, such as the oldest, most recent, most intelligent and rarest. In short, this is an essential work for anyone interested in dinosaurs.
Los saurópodos forman uno de los tres grandes grupos de dinosaurios que habitaron el planeta durante millones de años, y representan los mayores animales terrestres que han pisado la faz de la tierra. Algunos de ellos se aproximaron en peso a las ballenas más grandes de hoy en día y unos pocos llegaron a ser casi cuatro veces más altos que las jirafas actuales. Este conjunto de dinosaurios, los sauropodomorfos, eran unos auténticos rompe récords, aún entre los grupos más primitivos.
Este libro es un compendio único de hechos y datos de todas las especies conocidas de saurópodos y sus parientes cercanos, desde los más grandes (como el célebre Brachiosaurus, que pesaba tanto como cuatro autobuses) hasta los más pequeños (como Pampadromaeus, cuyo tamaño era comparable al de una gallina), incluyendo otros muchos registros, como los más antiguos, más recientes, más inteligentes o más raros, entre otros. En resumen, una obra esencial para cualquier persona interesada en los dinosaurios.
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