Photographic Atlas of Beijing Aphids (Aphidoidea)
- Publisher : Science Press
- Published In : Beijing
- Illustrations : col photos
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Text Chinese with Latin scientific names. Introduces briefly morphological characteristics, polymorphism, parthenogenetic reproduction,natural enemies, alarm pheromone, host plants, mutual relationships with ants and endosymbionts, etc. Discusses the influence of the obligatory or primary endosymbiont, Buchnera bacteria, in geographical distribution (high aphid diversity in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere) and biology (low aphid density in summer or host alternation for avoiding hot seasons), probably as a result of the nature of the primary endosymbiont which is active in cool temperatures. The species accounts contain 195 aphid species. Each species is illustrated by up to 9 images including galls or damage to host plants for some species. Images are taken mostly in the field. Species accounts include scientific name, recognition, host plants and biology, and distribution. One new synonym is suggested, 48 species are recorded as new to Beijing, and 8 of them are new records for China.
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