On the Feeding Mechanisms of Crustacea
- Collection : Prof Jim Green
- Illustrations : b/w plates, text figs
A collection of 12 papers on feeding mechanisms of Crustacea:
From Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh: On the Feeding Mechanism of…. the Fairy Shrimp, Chirocephalus diaphanus (H.G. Cannon, 1928); …. the Branchiopoda (H.G. Cannon & F.M. Leak, 1933); …. Certain Marine Ostracods (H.G. Cannon, 1933); …. Nebalia bipes (H.G. Cannon, 1927); …. a Mysid Crustacean, Hemimysis lamornae (H.G. Cannon & S.M. Manton, 1927); …. the Syncarid Crustacea (H.G. Cannon, 1929); …. the Cumacean Crustacean Diastylis bradyi (Dennell, R., 1934); …. Apseudes talpa, and the Evolution of the Peracaridan Feeding Mechanisms (Dennell, R., 1937); On Some Points in the Anatomy and Habits of the Lophogastrid Crustacea (S.M. Manton, 1928).
From Discovery Reports: Vol. III (pp. 199-222, 1 plate): Nebaliacea (H.G. Cannon, 1931); Vol. XXIII (pp. 1-17): The Gut of Nebaliacea (H.G.Q. Rowett, 1943); Vol. XXIII (pp. 213-222, 1 plate): Nebaliopsis typica (H.G. Cannon, 1946);
12 papers bound in a single volume, 4to, buckram, leather title pieces to spine. From the library of Prof. J. Green (1928-2016) with his signature to endpaper. Vg.
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