Obere Trias bis mittlerer Lias zwischen Saltrio und Tremona (Lombardische Alpen). Die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Stratigraphie, Sedimentologie und syngenetischer Tektonik
- Series : Ecologae Geologicae Helvetiae
Volume: 56 - Publisher : Birkhauser
- Published In : Basel
- Illustrations : 38 text figs, 4 folding (2 col) charts in rear pocket
Text German. PhD thesis, University of Basel. Offprint from Ecologae Geologicae Helvetiae Vol. 56: 529-640
Orig. wrappers. Vg. From the library of Hugh Jenkyns, emeritus Professor of Geology, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, with his name to wrapper.
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