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Narrative of an Excursion to the Lake Amsanctus and to Mount Vultur in Apulia in 1834

by Daubeny, C.

  • Paperback £80.00
  • Used Book Availability : In stock
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  • Catalogue No : 45021
  • Published : 1835
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 50


Scarce. Charles Giles Bridle Daubeny (1795-1867) was professor of Chemistry and of Botany at University of Oxford. He made a number of field trips to European volcanic regions between 1819 and 1825. In this paper Daubeny describes a winter trip to the Apulia (Puglia) region in the south-east of Italy, which was rarely described by travel writers, and details a visit to Lake Amsanctus, mentioned by Virgil, and the extinct volcano Mount Vultur. This is a scientific work but also includes his observations on classical remains and rural life in southern Italy.


8vo, stitched booklet, orig. printed wrappers. Fine copy with gatherings still unopened. Vg.

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