Nappali Lepkéink: Határozó terepre és természetfotókhoz [A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Hungary]
- Publisher : Kitaibel Kiado
- Illustrations : col maps, photos
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Text Hungarian. Second revised edition. The aim of the authors, who have been photographing and observing butterflies for a long time, was to create a book which can be used as a fieldguide, as well as a source of useful information, for those who want to get to know the world of butterflies. Approximately 170 butterfly species have been reported in Hungary. This book contains all Hungarian fauna including all species ever found in Hungary or mentioned in special literature. The first part of the book contains descriptions, illustrations, and signs to help identify the butterflies. Hard-to-distinguish species are listed side by side to facilitate their differentiation.
The second part of the book contains photos of species showing the underside and the upperside of both male and female specimens, together with updated distribution maps, phenology charts indicating flight and caterpillar status, and a wealth of useful information on their host plants, habitats and life-history. Current occurrences on the maps are highlighted in green and newly unconfirmed occurrences in grey. The current distribution of extinct species are presented on maps of Central Europe.
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