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Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de Syrie. Tome I-II

by Germain, L.

  • Hardback £250.00
  • Used Book Availability : In stock
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  • Catalogue No : 34537
  • Published : 1921-1922
  • Cover : Hardback
  • Pages : 524; 242


Tome. I: Introduction et Gasteropodes; Tome II: Pelecypodes. Published as Tome Deuxieme and Troisieme of 'Voyage Zoologique d'Henri Gadeau de Kerville en Syrie (Avril - Juin 1908)'. Henri Gadeau de Kerville (1858-1940) was a French naturalist and archaeologist. In 1908 he undertook an expedition to Syria, collecting a large number of zoological specimens (many of which were new to science). The French malacologist Alfred Louis Pierre Germain (1878-1942) undertook the scientific description of the molluscs which Gadeau de Kerville collected. In the introduction to this work, Germain includes a brief history of leading naturalists who collected molluscs in Syria stating ‘After so many explorations and so much work, one could believe that there was nothing left to glean in Syria. The successful journey by Henri Gadeau de Kerville brings a formal denial of this supposition. The learned naturalist of Rouen preferred to confine himself to the study of a relatively small region of Syria; but as usual, he explored it methodically and meticulously. So, he was able to collect considerable material, and we can say that, by its zoological importance, the journey worthily matches those of his predecessors.'


2 vols, roy. 8vo, rebound in later buckram, gt title to spines. From the library of Prof. J. Green, with his name to endpapers. Vg.

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