Les Planches inedites de Poisson et autres animaux marins de l'Indo-Ouest Pacifique d'Isaac Johannes Lamotius
- Publisher : Publications Scientifiques du Museum
- Published In : Paris
- Illustrations : col + b/w illus, text figs
Text French. A remarkable collection of ichthyological illustrations produced by Isaac Johannes Lamotius (1646-1718), a Dutch colonial governor in Mauritius. Lamotius, a former intellectual and scholar, spent much of his governorship and later exile to the island of Rosengain in the Banda Islands, producing numerous scientific drawings of new flora and fauna, but his most extensive and revered illustrations were of the islands' fish. These drawings, reproduced here for the first time, are a remarkable collection of works, some of the earliest known depictions of the species, and are some of the finest scientific illustrations of the time.