Lepidoptera Research in Areas with High Biodiversity Potential in Italy. Vol. 2
- Series : Lepidoptera Italica
Volume: 2 - Publisher : Natura Edizione Scientifiche
- Published In : Bologna
- Illustrations : 58 col plates, text figs, maps
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Text English. The second volume dedicated to faunistically important areas for Lepidoptera in Italy. Contributions on areas with high biodiversity potential in Italy (Vol. 2) includes National Parks such as Val Grande, Foreste Casentinesi, Circeo and La Maddalena or other nature preserves, including the Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino Nature Park and Grotticelle Nature Reserve. Other contributions detail the fauna of important sites such as Tavolara and nearby islands and the Silver fir forests of Calabrian 'Serre'. In addition to La Maddalena and Tavolara archipelagos, a third article on the Pontine Islands focuses on the fauna of small islands.
As in the first volume, a faunistic focus is maintained but also included are ecological and biogeographical references throughout the text, not least a conclusive clarification of the natural host plants of the European Bramea, which is one of the longest unresolved issues in Italian lepidopterology.
Data for almost 1,500 species are provided, more than 300 specimens and several habitats are illustrated in colour.
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