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Lamas of the Western Heavens

by Huc, Regis-Evariste

  • Hardback £18.00
  • Used Book Availability : In stock
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  • Catalogue No : 58185
  • Published : 1982
  • Cover : Hardback
  • Pages : 351


Translated by Charles de Salis, with an introduction by John Keay. First published in two volumns in 1851 as Souvenirs, d'un voyage dans la Tartarie et le Thibet. A third volume, L'Empire Chinois, was published in 1854. This edition includes the whole of the second volume with summaries of the first and third. Engravings taken from the first English edition. Régis-Évariste Huc (1813-1860) was a French Lazarite missionary, best known for his expeditions to China, Mongolia, and Tibet. He was one of the very first Europeans to visit the capital of Lhasa.


8vo, orig. cloth, gilt dec. to front board. Vg in orig. slipcase.

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