Lake Stechlin: A temperate oligotrophic lake
- Series : Monographiae Biologicae
Volume: 58 - Collection : Prof Jim Green
- Publisher : W. Junk
- Published In : Dordrecht
- Illustrations : b/w photos, text figs
Lake Stechlin is one of the few deep oligotrophic lakes in East Germany. This book deals with results of limnological research on a temperate oligotrophic lake system situated at the southern border of the Baltic Land Ridge and influenced by the cooling water circulation of a nuclear power plant. The main mission has been seen as multidisciplinary, long-term fundamental research on the biogenic determined flow and transformation of energy and material, as well as on the structure and functioning of a lake in the sound traditional line of Thienemann. Hydrographical, hydrometeorological, and chemical aspects together with the biological topics (plant communities, bacteria, invertebrate and vertebrate communities) form the background for the study of the metabolism of the lake area. Primary and secondary production, microbial activities, sedimentation and sediments, allochthonous influences and theoretical modelling are brought together to find out an approach to the life of the lake. Both fundamental research to a theory of limnetic exosystems and applied research towards a rational management of water quality are subject to the needs of society.
Vg. From the library of Prof. J. Green (1928-2016) with his name to endpaper.
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