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Insects of Samoa Pt VI. Diptera. Fasc. 1-9

by British Museum (Natural History)

  • Paperback £85.00
  • Used Book Availability : In stock
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  • Catalogue No : 55968
  • Published : 1927-1935
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 366


Complete section on Diptera: Fasc. 1: Streblidae et Nycteribiidae (L. Falcoz) & Hippoboscidae (G.F. Ferris) (1927); Fasc. 2: Nematocera (F.W. Edwards) & Cecidomyiinae (H.F. Barnes) (1928); Fasc. 3: Stratiomyiidae, Tabanidae and Asilidae (G. Ricardo), A note on the larvae of four species of Stratiomyiidae (P.A. Buxton), Dolichopodidae (C.G. Lamb), Sarcophagidae (P.A. Buxton) & Muscidae (J.R. Malloch) (1929); Fasc. 4: Empididae and Pipunculidae (J.E. Collin), Syrphidae (F.M. Hull), Clusiidae (Heteroneuridae) and Sapromyzidae (J.R. Malloch) (1929); Fasc. 5: Ortalidae & Calliphoridae (J.R. Malloch) (1930); Fasc. 6: Lonchaeidae, Chloropidae and Piophilidae (J.R. Malloch) (1930); Fasc. 7: Trypetidae (J.R. Malloch) (1931); Fasc. 8: Drosophilidae, Ephydridae, Sphaeroceridae and Milichiidae (J.R. Malloch) (1934); Fasc. 9: Phoridae, Agromyzidae, Micropezidae, Tachinidae, and Sarcophagidae (J.R. Malloch) (1935).


9 vols, orig. wrappers. Vg.

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