Hemipteres Aquatiques (Exploration du Parc National Albert, Fasc. 58 [with] Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba, Fasc. 31)
- Series : Exploration du Parc National Albert
Volume: 58 - Collection : Prof Jim Green
- Publisher : Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge
- Published In : Brussels
- Illustrations : 105 + 26 line drawings
Text French. Reports on the Aquatic Hemiptera collected during these two scientific expeditions to the Congo under the direction of G.F. de Witte, 1933-1935 and 1946-1949 respectively. (The report for Parc National Albert (Fasc. 58) includes the 1951 13-page Addendum).
2 parts, large-8vo, orig. wrappers. Vg. From the library of Prof. J. Green (1928-2016) with his name to front wrappers.
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