Geologische und biologische Entomoökologie der rezenten Seidenbiene Colletes. Bd. 1 Entomoökologie der Nestbauten und Nistsubstrate der Seidenbiene Colletes daviesanus und anderer rezenter solitärer Wildbienen und Wespen in Buntsandstein, Rotliegend, Keuper, Lias, Dogger, Tertiär und Quartär
- Publisher : Logabook
- Published In : Koeln
- Illustrations : 88 plates (306 photos), 45 maps, 39 text figs
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Text German. From a geological viewpoint, the author has researched and documented the occurrence of the solitary bee genus Colletes in Europe, by looking at their nest sites. Also covers flowers visited by Colletes species, predators, parasites, etc.
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