Fruit Flies of Economic Significance: Their Identification and Bionomics
- Publisher : CABI
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Approximately 250 species of fruit fly have been found in assocaition with commercially produced fruits and vegeatbles, with the market increasing worldwide for these sorts of comestibles, demand is growing for knowledge on these pests. Fruit Flies of Economic Significance is a comprehensive identification to fruit fly pests across all regions, this work represents biosystematic information on fruit flies of the world that are of economic importance. This 1994 re-print of the popular 1992 book includes an addendum.
Contents: 1: Pest Management 2: Methods of collection and preparation 3: Terminology 4: Classification of Tephrited Fruit Flies 5: Keys to Fruit pests Tephritidae: adults 6: Keys to Fruit pests Tephritidae: third instar larvae 7: Species accounts: Fruit pests 8: Species accounts:Leaf, stem and root pests 9: Species accounts: Flower pests 10: Species accounts: Beneficial species 11: Distribution of Fruit Pest Tephritidae 12: Useful plants and their associated tephritids 13: Common names of host plants
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