Flora des Kantons Zürich/Flora of the Canton of Zürich
- Publisher : Haupt
- Illustrations : 3500 col photos, 1760 distribution maps
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Text German. The landscape of the Swiss canton of Zürich has changed significantly over the past 200 years: wetlands have been drained, nutrient-poor meadows fertilized, arable farming intensified, the transport network expanded and large areas developed. The past and present occurrence of plant species testifies to these changes. Of the 1,757 plant species that have been in the canton for a longer period since 1850, 107 are considered extinct and 131 are new residents.
The Flora des Kantons Zürich describes the development of the species with texts, photos and distribution maps. The basis for this is a canton-wide field survey in the years 2012-2017, data from Info Flora (the national organisation Daten- und Informationszentrum zur Schweizer Flora), extensive herbarium and literature evaluations as well as literature research. Around 250 volunteer botany enthusiasts have gathered the majority of the field and herbarium data in a citizen science project led by the Zürcherischen Botanischen Gesellschaft and have contributed new plant photos.
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