European Butterflies: A Portrait in Photographs I: Papilionidae (Swallowtails, Festoons & Apollos)
- Series : European Butterflies: A Portrait in Photographs
- Publisher : B.R. Watts
- Illustrations : col photos
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A comprehensive review of European butterflies, including their identification It is based on the author's own observations and photographs, and is presented with a number of novel features. Contains many pictures of each European butterfly species to show uppersides and undersides of each sex and how these vary across its geographical range and in its different forms and subspecies. Available as a series of chapters, each dealing with a group of similar butterfly species. This section on the Swallowtail Group comprises chapters 3.0: Introduction; 3.1: Swallowtail Group (Papilio & Iphiclides); 3.2: Festoon Group (Zerynthia & Archon); 3.3: Apollo Group (Parnassius)
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