Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. Vol. 148 (2012)
- Series : Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
Volume: 148 - Publisher : Pemberley Books
- Illustrations : col photos, b/w figs
3 parts + index.
Bennett, F.D., see Disney, R.H.L. & Luff, M.L.
Collingwood, C., The Formicidae of north Europe
Crellin, S.M., see Luff, M.L.
Disney, R.H.L. & Bennett, F.D., Scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) from the Isle of Man
Flanagan, J.P., Further U.K. records for Conostethus venustus Fieber, 1858 (Hemiptera: Miridae)
Hammett, M.J., Nemoura lacustris Pictet, 1865 (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) – an addition to the British list
Hancock, E.G., see Rotheray, G.E.
Jennings, M.T., Bracon leptus Marshall, 1897 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) reared in Britain
Jennings, M.T., Eupelmus vesicularis (Retzius, 1783) (Chalcidoidea, Eupelmidae) reared from larvae of Botanophila seneciella (Meade, 1892) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) collected from Kent, U.K.
Jennings, M.T., Pronotalia carlinarum (Szelényi & Erdös, 1951) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) new to Britain
Kramer, J., A new species of Idiocera Dale, 1842 (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Oman
Liston, A.D., A new species of Pristiphora (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae, Nematinae) from Greece
Luff, M.L., Bennett, F.D. & Crellin, S.M., New records of beetles (Coleoptera) from the Isle of Man, mostly 2000–2011
Malumphy, C., Incursions of Duplachionaspis divergens (Green), an Asian pest of grasses, and D. exalbida (Cockerell), a South African pest of aloe, in Britain (Hemiptera: Diaspididae)
Rotheray, G.E., Hancock, E.G. & Thornham, D.G., A new species of Nepenthosyrphus de Meijere (Diptera: Syrphidae)
Rougemont, G. de, Synonymy of a paederine staphylinid (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Paederinae)
Thornham, D.G., see Rotheray, G.E.
Archer, M., The wasps, ants and bees (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of Allerthorpe Common in Watsonian Yorkshire revisited
Bakircioglu, D., see Yurtsever, S.
Buhl, P.N., Goyer, M., Labrie, G. & Lucas, E., A new species of Platygaster (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) from Canada associated with wheat
Buhl, P.N. & O’Connor, J.P., A further four species of Platygastrinae (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) new to Ireland
Cuppen, J.G.M., Foster, G.N. & Span, A.S.W., Wetland Coleoptera on Alderney with notes on the distribution of Peltodytes rotundatus (Aubé) (Haliplidae)
Disney, R.H.L., A further new species in the Megaselia pusilla (Meigen) species complex (Diptera: Phoridae)
Disney, R.H.L., A new species of Megaselia Rondani (Diptera: Phoridae) reared from a fungus (Agaricales: Tricholomataceae) in the Czech Republic
Foster, G.N., see Cuppen, J.G.M.
Goyer, M., see Buhl, P.N.
Jennings, M.T., A further note on aggregations of Haltichella rufipes Oliver, 1790 (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) in Kent, U.K
Karahalil, B., see Yurtsever, S.
Labrie, G., see Buhl, P.N.
Lucas, E., see Buhl, P.N.
Malumphy, C. & Marquart, C., Queen sago palm (Cycas circinalis L.) killed by Asian cycad scale Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) in Britain
Malumphy, C., see Williams, D.J.
Marquart, C., see Malumphy, C.
O’Connor, J.P., see Buhl, P.N.
Span, A.S.W., see Cuppen, J.G.M.
Williams, D.J. & Malumphy, C., Mealybugs of Great Britain: A revised and updated checklist (Hemiptera: Coccoidea, Pseudococcidae)
Yurtsever, S., Bakircioglu, D. & Karahalil, B., A preliminary study on the metal content of the spittle of two cercopoid insects
(Hemiptera: Cercopoidea, Aphrophoridae)
Archer, M., The wasps, ants and bees (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of the ‘Green Spaces’ of urban York
Cooper, M., New species of Pararhaphidoglossa von Schulthess (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Eumeninae): I, The Mestiza and Cressoniana Groups
Disney, R.H.L., Revisionary notes on Palaearctic and Nearctic Phoridae (Diptera)
Disney, R.H.L. & Rulik, B., Scuttle Flies (Diptera: Phoridae) trapped by flowers of Aristolochia L. (Aristolochiaceae) In Italy
Gertsson, C.-A., see Hodgson, C.
Hodgson, C. & Gertsson, C.-A., A replacement name for Trionymus elymus Gertsson & Hodgson (Hemiptera: Sterrnorhyncha, Coccoidea, Pseudococcidae)
Jennings, M.T., Records of Neuroterus saliens (Kollar, 1857) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) and associated parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from Kent, U.K.
Krell, F-T., An old record of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, from Panama (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae)
Liston, A.D., On West Palaearctic Mesoneura species (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae)
Malumphy, C., An annotated checklist of scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) of Saint Lucia
Malumphy, C., First interception of Far-Eastern oystershell scale, Lepidosaphes salicina Borchsenius (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) in Britain
Panis, A., see Williams, D.J.
Rulik, B., see Disney, R.H.L.
Wakeham-Dawson, A., Lepidoptera of the Falkland Islands (2): Two new species of Gelechiidae
Williams, D.J. & Panis, A., Names attributed by J. Antoine Risso in 1813 to scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) in the Maritime Alps region of France on citrus, with brief notes on some later works
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