Die Buntbarsche Amerikas. Bd 1-3
- Collection : Prof Jim Green
- Publisher : Ulmer
- Published In : Stuttgart
- Illustrations : 1710 col photos, 237 text figs, maps, etc.
Bd 1: chaetobranchine und cichlasomine (Gruppen A und B) Buntbarsche; Bd 2: Apistogramma & Co.; Bd 3: Erdfresser, Hecht- und Kammbuntbarsche. Text German. Guide to the cichlid fishes of the Americas. Vol. 1: Chaetobranchine and Cichlasomine cichlids of Central and South America; Vol. 2: Geophagine dwarf cichlids of South America; Vol. 3: Genus Retroculus, the comb pike cichlids, checkerboard cichlids and other geophagine relatives.
3 vols. Fine - as new.
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