Chants d'Amphibiens du Cameroun
- Publisher : J.-L. Amiet & Editions Petit GĂ©nie
- Illustrations : col photos, b/w figs + 4 audio CDs
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Text French. Thanks to the importance of nuptial calls in the reproduction of frogs and toads (Anura), scientists can use the characteristic acoustic signatures of these species in their taxonomic work. Knowledge of vocalizations is particularly useful in intertropical regions, which are home to very diverse batrachofauna. This book is accompanied by four CDs that bring together 360 recordings of vocalizations produced by 175 species. The first part contains introductory chapters; the second brings together sound files and photos of each taxon; the third part consists of oscillograms of all recorded species. An alphabetical directory leads the reader to the relevant taxa on the CDs.
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