Black-Water Feverbeing the first report to the Advisory Committee appointed by the Government of India to conduct an enquiry regarding black-water and other fevers prevalent in the Duars
Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. No 35. Samuel Rickard Christophers (1873-1978) was described as one of the great pioneers of Medical Entomology, 'to rank equally with his famous peers, Sir Patrick Manson, F.R.S., and Sir Ronald Ross' H. E.Shortt; P. C. C. Garnham (1979). An obituary for Prof C.A. Bently in Nature, 1949 noted the significance of this joint publication for 'establishing the dependence of this disease [black-water fever] on long-continued malarial infection'.
4to, Orig. card boards. From an institutional library with a few neat ink/ withdrawn stamps. Good.