An Annotated Checklist of the Larger Moths of Stirlingshire, West Perthshire and Dunbartonshire
- Publisher : Glasgow Natural History Society
- Illustrations : 4 col plates, text figs
Collates all known post 19th century macro moth records and data bases from the three vice counties of Stirlingshire, West Perthshire and Dunbartonshire, including published historical lists and abstracted data from collections in museums throughout central Scotland. It is intended that it will provide baseline information on the current situation with respect to the biodiversity of larger moths and that it can be used to follow future changes in response to climate change, agricultural intensification, habitat improvement, etc. The checklist will inform future recorders what moths to expect in the area and the annotation indicates where, when and how to find them.
Some pages have come loose, but the whole text block has been secured with a plastic spine bar.
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