Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Hungary. Vol. 4: Phytomyzinae III
- Series : Agromyzidae of Hungary
Volume: 4 - Publisher : Pars
- Published In : Nagykovacsi
- Illustrations : 226 figs
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Text English. Final volume of this 4-volume monograph on the Agromyzidae of Hungary. Volume 4 contains the third systematic part of the subfamily Phytomyzinae with the genera Chromatomyia (33 spp.), Napomyza (19 spp.), Phytomyza (166 spp.) - a total of 228 spp. A Catalogue with occurrence data in Hungary, in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia is also given. Additions and corrections to Volumes 1-3 are given. 18 new species for science are described. The text is closed by a Diptera and plant name index. The volume is richly illustrated by more than 2300 - mostly original - figures arranged in 226 figure plates.
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