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A Revision of the Suctoria (Ciliophora, Kinetofragminophora) 1-3

by Curds, C.R.

  • Paperback £12.00
  • Used Book Availability : In stock
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  • Catalogue No : 37712
  • Published : 1985
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 54; 3; 27


3 parts: 1. Acineta and its morphological relatives; 2. An addendum to Acineta; 3. Tokophrya and its morphyological relatives (Bull. BM(NH). Zool., 48(2): 75-128); 49(2): 163-193).


Pt 1, orig. wrappers, owner's name to front wrapper; Pts 2+3 wrapper removed.

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