A Preliminary Guide to the Pyralid Moths of Borneo, Part 1: Thyridoidea and Pyraloidea: Pyralidae
- Series : Preliminary Guide to the Pyralid Moths of Borneo
Volume: 1 - Publisher : Natural History Publications
- Published In : Borneo
- Illustrations : 1077 col photos
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This is Part 1 of 3 and covers the Thyridoidea and the Pyraloidea: Pyralidae sensu Regier, J. O. et al 2012. (Parts 2 & 3 will deal with the Crambidae). The core of Part 1 is a set of 35 high quality colour plates each with a capacity of 35 half images of adult moths. Opposite each plate is a page of corresponding legends. The book is ring-bound to allow it to lie flat on a laboratory bench when identifying specimens. The plates are semi-matt to cut down on reflections.
This is an illustrated guide, not a taxonomic monograph. Identification is on the basis of external features only. Many images of morphotypes at or near the species level are included to give a starting point for those wishing to explore further the fauna of Borneo.
Includes - Thyrididae: 168 named species, 127 unnamed 'species' (the latter make up 43% of the total of 295 taxa.); Pyralidae: 286 named species, 379 unnamed 'species' (the latter making up 60% of the total of 665 taxa). Subfamilies included are the Galleriinae, Chrysauginae, Pyralinae, Epipaschiinae and Phycitinae.
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