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101 Curious Tales of East African Birds: A Brief Introduction to Tropical Ornithology

by Beale, C.

  • Paperback £25.00
  • New Book Availability : Usually available within 5 day(s)
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  • Catalogue No : 51014
  • ISBN : 9781784272913
  • Published : 2023
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 224

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Is there any bird as dishonest as the Fork-tailed Drongo? Did you know that the Tawny Eagle is an 'obligate Cainist'? And what of the irresistible-to-predators and highly cryptic Spotted Thick-knee?

East Africa's birds are extraordinary in their evolution, diversity and behaviour, often proving to be the unexpected highlight of a safari. Lavishly illustrated with beautiful photographs of each species, this book tells the fascinating, surprising, amusing stories of 100 regularly encountered birds - whether iconic or unjustly overlooked. In the process, the reader is introduced to ornithology in East Africa through the eyes of a passionate birder and professional ornithologist.

Filling a niche between field guide and textbook, 101 Curious Tales of East African Birds offers a wealth of information, including insights on the evolution of birds, the distributions and migrations of species, bird adaptations and senses, their lifecycle, ecology and conservation, as well as cultural and historical associates - each collated and referenced with the latest scientific papers. The author's deep understanding of this region's avifauna ensures that there is be new and engaging material for all, whether you have a general interest in wildlife or are a dedicated birder.

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