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Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice

Entomologist’s Gazette Editorial Board:

The duties and responsibilities of members of the editorial board include:

  • making fair and unbiased decisions and ensuring a fair peer review process;
  • guarding the integrity of the journal by issuing corrections when required;
  • making clear to peer reviewers and authors what standards are expected of them.

The Editor has the final responsibility for deciding whether or not to publish submitted articles.


The roles and responsibilities of authors include:

  • Submit papers on research that has been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner and that complies with all relevant legislation;
  • Present results clearly and honestly;
  • Only cite publications that are relevant to the submitted paper;
  • Describe methods clearly so that results can be confirmed by other researchers;
  • Ensure their work is original, has not been previously published and is not under review elsewhere;
  • Ensure that authorship accurately reflects individuals’ contributions to the conception, design and execution of the research.


Reviewers who feel unqualified or unable for any reason (including possible conflict of interest) to conduct the review should inform the editor and excuse themselves from the review process.

Reviewers and editors will:

  • Strive to be fair and objective in their evaluation of a submission at all times;
  • Not give feedback which is discriminatory to authors in any form;
  • Treat information concerning submission of papers as confidential.

Publication ethics

During the review process, any instances of plagiarized content identified by reviewers and editors will be reported directly to the authors and the submitted paper will be rejected for publication.

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