Funga Nordica: Agaricoid, boletoid and cyphelloid genera
- Series : Funga Nordica
- Publisher : Nordsvamp
- Published In : Denmark
- Illustrations : 4000 col photos (on DVD), line drawings
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New and revised edition of Nordic Macromycetes, vol. 2. Text English. Identification keys and descriptions of 2675 (all known)
agarics, boletes and cyphelloids from the Nordic countries including 114 species from the neighbouring countries: UK, the Netherlands, northern Germany, northern Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and the northwestern part of the European part of Russia. Includes a DVD from MycoKey with synoptic keys to all genera of macrofungi and to all genera of Pezizales and Helotiales
in Europe. Includes all the keys from Funga Nordica as pdf-files and 4000 colour photos illustrating one or more species from each of the included genera
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